Favorite Top Ten Slam Poems

I’ve been gathering these poems for over a year now and decided to feature some of my favorite ones in this post. Most of these slam poems I’ve listened to on a daily basis, and I’ve written down the quotes that have stayed with me ever since that faithful first listen:

1.Angry Black Woman” by Porsha O.

“I hate that I only got three minutes to say this poem and I got about ten minutes worth of angry.”

2.Rape Joke” by Belissa Escobedo & Rhiannon McGavin.

These gifs sum it up pretty perfectly:tumblr_ngwllmcs8n1rn5vflo1_500tumblr_ngwllmcs8n1rn5vflo3_500tumblr_ngwllmcs8n1rn5vflo2_500

3.21” by Patrick Roche.

“15. I come up with the theory that my father started drinking again because maybe he found out I’m gay. Like if he can make everything else blurry, maybe somehow I’d look straight.”

4.What Guys Look For In Girls” by Savannah Brown.

“When I first learned that no one could ever love me more than me
a world of happiness previously unseen was discovered
because somewhere along the line of aging and scrutiny and time
I was taught to despise myself.”

5.Say no” by Megan Falley & Olivia Gatwood.

“In Connecticut, a girl is asked to senior prom
by someone other than her boyfriend. She says no
and his knife blooms a corsage in her chest.

6.Lost Voices” by Darius Simpson & Scout Bostley.

An absolute all-time favorite quote right here:

“But to tell me you know my pain, is to stab yourself in the leg because you saw me get shot.
We have two different wounds, and looking at yours does nothing to heal mine.

7.Friend Zone” by Desireé Dallagiacomo & Justin Lamb.

Women are not slot machines that respond to your kindness with sex. Thinking you are owed something for not being an asshole, makes you an asshole. But somehow, you have decided that you are the victim. Screwed by women’s decision not to screw you.” 

8.The Bridge” by G Yamazawa.

“He’s spent more time cooking for people than working on his speech because he knew standard English wasn’t going to feed his children.” 

9.When the Fat Girl Gets Skinny” by Blythe Baird.

If you develop an eating disorder when you are already thin to begin with, you go to the hospital.
If you develop an eating disorder when you are not thin to begin with, you are a success story.

10.Asking For It” by Anna Binkovitz.

“For the love of God and humankind, stop asking people’s clothing to have sex with you, and start asking people.”

  • Honorable Mention:

To This Day” by Shane Koyczan.

This was the very first video that introduced me to spoken word. And it has stayed with me for years now.

“You built a cast around your broken heart
and signed it yourself.
You signed it,
“they were wrong.


Thank you for reading! Let me know in the comments if you have any new or old favorite poems.

2 thoughts on “Favorite Top Ten Slam Poems”

  1. Rape Joke is one my of my favourites too! I also like ‘Somewhere In America’ by the same girls, even though I don’t live in America it hit home points especially as they consider some important topics in it!


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